Sach & Krach, Podcast by Hochparterre, Rahel Marti with Eliana Perotti, 21.10.2022.
«La modernitá di Flora Ruchat-Roncati: Il complesso COLA.SIDER.TA», lecture by Eliana Perotti as part of vernissage of the exhibition 9 x 100 = ‘900 - 9 ITINERARI PER 100 ARCHITETTURE DEL ‘900 IN BASILICATA E PUGLIA, 18. Juni 2021, ca. 16.30, online
zoom link following soon here
Porträt einer Architektin: Die Arbeit und Karriere von Flora Ruchat-Roncati, einer Schweizer Pionierin, lecture Eliana Perotti as part of the exhibition Frau Architekt, Zentrum Architektur Zürich (ZAZ), 12.03.2020 * * * EVENT CANCELLED * * * VERANSTALTUNG ABGESAGT * * *
The Architect Flora Ruchat-Roncati, First Female Professor at ETH Zurich. Breaking New Ground in Practice and Teaching, lecture Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti. Expanding the ‘Archive’. Latent Connections: Evidence and Speculation, IAWA Symposium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA, USA, 20.–22.03. 2019
Between the academy and activism, lecture by Lori Brown, HIL E 6, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 13.12.2018, 17:00Gendered research in architecture and urban design – methodologies and topics. The SNF research on Flora Ruchat-Roncati at ETH, guest lecture Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti. Frauen bauen. Architektinnen in der Schweiz Seminar Kunst und Architektur MAS, Institut gta, Departement Architektur, ETH Zürich, 23.11.2018
Flora Ruchat-Roncati, first woman professor at ETH Zurich. Developing topics, methods, tools for researching a pioneering figure, Seminar Architektinnen – Ein Oral History Projekt, Prof. Ursprung, Dr. Dora Imhof, Berit Seidel, gta, HIL E5, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 04.10.2018, 16:00
Flora Ruchat-Roncati, first woman professor at ETH Zurich. Introducing women’s standpoint in architectural pedagogy,Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, MoMoWo, Turin, IT, 13.–16.06.2018
Workshop Gender Research in Architecture: Methodologies, HIT K 52, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 01.06.2018, 9:30–16:00
Eileen Gray. A Grey Experience, lecture by Jennifer Goff, HIT E 51, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 31.05.2018, 18:00
SALONgespräch N°10: Drei Generationen, creatrices, Domus-Haus Basel, 17.05.2018, 18:30
Network as process: Flora Ruchat-Roncati’s modes of practice, Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Saint Paul, US, 18.–22.04.2018
A Polyhedral Architect. Flora Ruchat-Roncati, guest lecture, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 12.04.2018
Cortile and Stockli: between commonality and autonomy. Flora Ruchat Ronchati's live-work complex in Riva San Vitale, Ticino, from 1967, Activism at Home: Architects Own Houses as Sites of Resistance Conference, University of Manchester, GB, 15.–16.01.2018
Doing research on women architects – problems and potentials. Flora Ruchat-Roncati at ETH, guest lecture, seminar Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich, 27.11.2017
Eliana Perotti, Radiointerview RSI (Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana), inside the piece L’architettura di Flora Ruchat, by Raniero Fratini, 10.08.2017, 12:15
Flora Ruchat-Roncati Picnic, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 01.06.2017
Hitting the road – gendered research at the Architectural Department of ETH, lecture by Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti, Parity Talks III, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, 8.3.2018.
SAFFA 58 – Die Landi der Frauen, Ausstellung im Museum für Gestaltung, Ausstellungsstrasse 60, Vestibül 1. OG, kuratiert durch das Museum und dedra, 28.06.–09.09.2018
Wissenschaftliches Symposium in Erinnerung an die Architektin und Bauforscherin Myra Wahrhaftig, Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Lebens und Wirkens deutschsprachiger jüdischer Architekten, Technische Universität, Berlin, DE, 17.–18.05.2018
Departement's lecture series, Beatriz Colomina, Princeton University, HIL E4, ETH Zurich, 07.05.2018, 18:00Departement's lecture series, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, New York, HIL E3, ETH Zurich, 03.05.2018, 19:00
Departement's lecture series, Jeannette Kuo, Harvard University / Karamuk*Kuo Architekten, HIL E4, ETH Zurich, 12.03.2018, 18:00
Conservative Ideology, Progressive Design: Planning SAFFA 1958, lecture by Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti, Women architects and politics in the long 20th century, International Conference DAM Auditorium, Frankfurt am Main, DE, 17.–19.01.2018
Anna Ruchat. Die zweischsprachige Schriftstellerin aus Italien liest aus ihrer Lyrik und Prosa, Keller-Theater Buchegg, Zürich
Angiolo Mazzoni. Ingegnere e architetto italiano (1894–1979), Katrin Albrecht and Olimpia Niglio, Presentazione dei volumi dedicati a Angolo Mazzoni, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma, IT, 28.11.2017
Tendenzen 1975: The Autonomy of Theory, Panel Discussion, moderated by Irina Davidovici, ETH Honggerberg, Zurich, 07.11.2017
Oral history workshop 2, on the topic of the exhibition SAFFA 1928, 1958 ... 1988? und heute: ein Projekt von Inès Lamunière, Flora Ruchat-Roncati, Beate Schnitter (1989), Katia Frey together with Dorothee Huber, Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus, Viviane Ehrensberger and Stéphanie Savio, Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum Basel, 21.09.2017
Oral history workshop 1, on the topic of the exhibition SAFFA 1928, 1958 ... 1988? und heute: ein Projekt von Inès Lamunière, Flora Ruchat-Roncati, Beate Schnitter (1989), Katia Frey together with Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus, Viviane Ehrensberger, Claudia Haas, Stéphanie Savio and Sabine von Fischer, Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum Basel, 14.07.2017