Die Folge 2 der Serie Schweizer Architekt:innen widmet sich Flora Ruchat-Roncati, der ersten ordentlichen Professorin an der ETH Zürich. Ein Porträt von Sabine von Fischer, erschienen auf swissinfo.ch.
Flora Ruchat-Roncati war nicht nur eine passionierte Architektin, sondern auch die erste ordentliche Professorin an der ETH Zürich. Ein Entwicklungsroman von Eliana Perotti in vier Stationen, erschienen auf Hochparterre.ch.
The recently published edited book Activism at Home is dedicated to thirty dwellings that architects designed for themselves. Flora Ruchat-Roncati's Cortile in Riva San Vitale is among the selected case studies.
This interdisciplinary panel discussion was devoted to the life and impact of three impressive Swiss women: lawyer Emilie Kempin-Spyri, architect Flora Ruchat-Roncati and film and theatre director Gertrud Pinkus.
With the ceremonial opening of the Ceneri Base Tunnel on 3 September 2020, the last chapter of infrastructure buildings, for whose design Flora Ruchat-Roncati has been responsible for throughout her life, is now closed.
In an interview with RSI on 10 December 2017, Eliana Perotti resumed her lecture on "Flora Ruchat-Roncati's library" and an article dedicated to the famous architect published in the special issue of the magazine "werk, bauen + wohnen" (12/2017).
In 2017, Eliana Perotti and Katia Frey delivered the lecture "Doing Research on Woman Architects – Problems and Potentials: Flora Ruchat-Roncati at ETH" in the "Making Difference: Architectures of Gender" seminar. We link the complete review here.
Die graphic novel über Eileen Grays Maison en Bord de Mer formuliert ein wirkungsvolles und eindeutiges Korrektiv zu einer ewig heldenlastigen Architekturgeschichtsschreibung. Eliana Perotti bespricht diese Publikation auf dem archithese-Blog.