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Laura Falletta is Student Assistant of the Swiss National Research Foundation project Flora Ruchat Roncati at ETH Zurich 1985-2002: Professor, Planner, Theoretician, hosted by the Department of Architecture of the ETH Zurich.


Since 2018 Student Assistant of the SNF research project Flora Ruchat Roncati at ETH Zurich 1985-2002: Professor, Planner, Theoretician, ETH Zurich

2018 curator of the exhibition Gender in Digital Reality at Material in Zurich in the curatorial duo hot4u

Since 2017 Master studies in Art History in a Global Context and Portuguese Literature at the University of Zurich

2017 Student assistant at “Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut” in Florence, Italy

2017 Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Portuguese Literature at the University of Zurich

2015–2016 exchange year at “USP, Universidade de São Paulo” in São Paulo, Brazil. Courses at the faculties for Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Philosophy, Language and Literature, Human Sciences (FFLCH) and School of Communications and Arts (ECA)

2012–2017 Bachelor studies in Art History and Portuguese Literature at the University of Zurich

2011–2012 Portuguese language studies in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2011 Bilingual Matura (Italian/German) at “Liceo Artistico, Kantonsschule Freudenberg” in Zurich